Basic configuration requirements

1. An SD card larger than 1G (used to install Debian on the DragonBoard 410c);

2, DragonBoard410C

3, HDMI cable

4, a set of USB keyboard, USB mouse

5, U disk one (greater than 256MB)

6, a display with HDMI

Note: Make a backup of the SD card, because we will use the win32diskimager to format the operation.

The first step is to install Debian.

The process of installing Debian can refer to the following steps:

Note: Do not connect the expansion IO board and associated sensor to the DragonBoard 410c during installation.

1.1 Download Debian Mirror

Open the page

In this page, is the Debian image package we want (this step, we only download this package), after downloading it, unzip it, we will get the db410c_sd_install_debian.img file, this is what we want to brush Go to the Debian image in the SD card.

Here is a brief explanation, in fact, in

As we can see, this suite is always updated, and latest is the Debian image of the latest suite.

1.2 Format the USB flash drive and copy related files

Format the USB flash drive, format the configuration, you need to set the USB flash drive name to DRAGON (note, we will use this name later, so be sure to do not mistake DRAGON), then copy our breakerball.tar and Install files. In the formatted U disk, we can unplug the U disk.

1.3 Making a Debian SD Installation Disk

You can go online to download WinDisk32Imager.exe, you can refer to the following address:


1.3.1 Inserting SDCard

1.3.2 Using WinDisk32Imager for System Image Programming

Please refer to the following steps for Debian system image burning, select the decompressed db410c_sd_install_debian.img, Device select our SD card, pay attention to not choose the wrong here.

figure 1

Then click on write. (It will be ok in about 5 minutes).

1.4 DragonBoard 410c image burning

After safely removing the SD card, insert it into the DragonBoard, turn the DIP 2 (SD Boot) dial switch of the DragonBoard 410c to ON, and keep the other switches OFF. At the same time, plug the USB mouse and keyboard set into the DragonBoard port and connect the DragonBoard to the HDMI display device with an HDMI cable.

Plug in the power supply of the DragonBoard and enter the installation interface in about 15s.

figure 2

Press i and press enter

image 3

Installation in progress

Figure 4

After the installation is complete, you will be prompted to unplug the SD card. At this time, we unplug the power supply, then remove the SD card, and turn the DIP 2 (SD Boot) dial switch of the DragonBoard 410c to OFF, and then plug in the power again. .

The second step is how to use DragonBoards to run BreakerBall Game 2.1 hardware connection

We connect the IO board and sensor to the 410C. Note that the correct connection must be made here. The wrong connection may cause both boards to burn out.

Connect the rotary angle sSnapdragon VR SDK Graphics path IntroductoryTIonensor to the A1 interface

Connect the 1602 LCD to the I2C0 interface. For the connection method, refer to the following figure:

2.2 Software operation method

2.2.1 Plug in the power and enter Debian

2.2.2 Connecting to the Internet

SetTIngs --> Wifi connecTIon connects to an available network (this is for downloading related programs from the internet when apt-get is later).

2.2.3 Running Install

Open a command window:

Debian Start -> System Tools -> LXTerminal

carried out:

Cp /media/linaro/DRAGON/*.

Chmod +x Install


The script extracts the zip file, then places the icon on the desktop and loads the code into the IO board while updating the operating system.

When the script finishes executing, we can see the BreakerBall icon as shown below:

Figure 6

Double-click the BreakerBall icon to prompt you where you want to execute and choose which one.

Figure 7

When the scratch tool is started and the remote sensor is operating normally, click OK.

Click on the green flag in the middle of the middle and the game will start.

Figure 8

When the rotary angle sensor is adjusted, the real-time position information is displayed on the 1602 LCD screen, and the purple stick that bounces the breakerball moves with it.

Figure 9

Click the full-screen icon in the upper right corner of scratch to display the full screen. You have 15s to execute the above steps. If it exceeds 15s, the program will automatically read the value of the rotary sensor and transmit the position information of the board.

The overall effect is this, So easy! ! !

Figure 10

Appendix Install Script Reference

Sudo apt-get update

Sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -u -y

Sudo apt-get install -y man-db manpages manpages-dev

Sudo apt-get install -y libpython-dev libpython3-dev python-dev

Sudo apt-get install -y arduino-mk arduino

Sudo apt-get install -y libmraa-dev libupm-dev libsoc-dev

Sudo apt-get install -y scratch python-pip

Pip install spidev

Sudo apt-get clean

#extract the tar file

Tar -vxf ~/breakerball.tar

#attempt t0 install the Arduino program on the Sensors board

Cd breakerball_sensor

Make upload

#place the appropriate icon on the desktop

If [ "$?" = "0"]; then

Sudo cp /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/

Cp ~/breakerball_sensor/go ~/Desktop/BreakerBall_Sensor


Sudo dd if=~/boot-db410c.img of=/dev/mmcblk0p8

Cp ~/breakerball_linker/go ~/Desktop/BreakerBall_Linker


Echo Issue the following command

Echo sudo reboot now

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