According to the duration of the duration, the ultrasonic waves can be divided into continuous waves and pulse waves. Continuous wave refers to the infinite fluctuation of the particle vibration duration in the medium. A pulse wave is a wave that has a limited duration of vibration (single or in between). Definition Continuous wave is a single fixed pulse frequency sequence output by an electro-acupuncture instrument whose waveform is not modulated. The frequency of the continuous wave is generally within 1 to 1000 Hz, and the continuous wave below the frequency of 30 Hz is called a thinning wave. A continuous wave above 30Hz is called a dense wave. A pulse wave is an intermittent electrical signal that has a very short duration and a sudden occurrence. Any voltage or current that occurs intermittently is called a pulse voltage or a pulse current. The telecommunication waveform can be called a pulse wave except for a sine wave and a continuous wave synthesized by a sinusoidal component. Function The pulse wave is much more immune to interference and can also encode the signal. Continuous wave detection can be detected for targets of various speeds, and pulse waves require sophisticated techniques to achieve this goal. On the waveform The pulsed period of time is small, and the continuous wave is uninterrupted. A continuous wave is a wave that the laser outputs in a continuous manner rather than a pulse. The waveform may be unmodulated or modulated. The pulse wave is discontinuous in time, and the laser radiates waves in an intermittent manner. Graphically
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Continuous wave waveform
Pulse wave waveform