Recently, the VR action shooting game "CyberThreat" was launched on the Steam platform for a one-week limited time offer. The original price of the game was $68 and it is now only $34. The event lasts until August 22nd. The story background of the game is relatively simple. In the future world, technology is a double-edged sword. Evil AI seeks to occupy the human world. Players need to pick up their weapons to resist and defend their homes. Players can experience a lot of high-tech weapons, rifles, daggers, explosives, etc. in the game. These weapons require players to use the positioning motion controller in the hands to manipulate, experience different weapon feelings, and the use of weapons is also a certain skill. Encounter different situations and enemies need to find weaknesses and launch attacks. In addition, the music and scene designs in the game are also well-established, fully emulating the sci-fi atmosphere of the future war and full of presence. The game was released on the Steam platform as early as August 18th, 2016. Currently it supports HTC Vive and Oculus Rift. Interested players can take a look.
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